What are they telling us?

Scattered across the British Isles, across Europe and indeed around the world, megalithic stones lie in dormant testament to a bygone age. There are thousands of them. These remnants of our human past seem mute, their builders long gone. Who were they, what were they up to? All we have to go on are their stones with their enigmatic arrangements and alignments. But as  for what was going on,  for the purpose and use of these enigmatic circles, the stones are silent.

Or are they?

Come with us on a journey from Cumbria to Cornwall, from Wiltshire to Wales. Explore intriguing connections across time and space from Gaelic to Donnegal, Galway, Galicia, Portugal, Galata and Galatia. Learn how influences from Anatolia, Egypt and Iberia converge on the Neolithic British Isles. The answer to the mystery is written on the walls, the walls of the tombs of ancient Egypt. Discover what it tells us about our five thousand year old mystery.